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Turning Your Niche Into Income

creative entrepreneur

I want to dispel the notion that knowing your niche has to be daunting and show you how it can be beautifully fulfilling. It can breathe life, joy, and passion into your journey as a creative entrepreneur.

Let’s start by examining your unique knowledge or skill and identify how you can transform your niche into income by teaching what you know. Whether you're looking to teach something on a small scale or make it a significant part of your business, knowing your niche is the key to unlocking your success. 

When I first began teaching, I never imagined its profound impact on my creative life. Also, I must add that I never dreamed or sought out to be an educator, and now I run a multi-seven-figure business teaching what I know. Before all the success, I remember a time when I felt intimidated and overwhelmed, questioning if I truly had the expertise or capabilities to teach others creatives and artists.

Sound about right?!

A transformation occurred when I undoubtedly knew my niche. And here’s the best news!! You can turn your niche into income by mastering the art of teaching what you know through three powerful steps: identifying, researching, and reflecting through a vision-storming session.

What is a Vision-Storming Session?

This is dedicated time where you simply sit alone with a pen (or pencil) and paper. The best vision-storming happens when you’re unplugged from devices, distractions, and, most importantly, doubt. This time is for you to think freely and honestly and have no alternative motives but to believe in the topic you’re storming about and to simply… THINK! 

Here are 3 ways you can vision-storm to know your niche. 

1. Identifying Your Unique Strengths

Every creative and artist has a unique perspective and skill set. What are the aspects of your work that others struggle with? Those are your golden tickets for teaching. Gather a list of your skills and reflect on what comes naturally to you. These areas often make the best starting points for teaching, as they highlight your expertise and passion. When we focus on and embrace our unique strengths, we position ourselves to inspire and educate others effectively.

2. Researching Your Market Needs

Understanding your market needs is crucial to ensure your teaching connects with your audience. You can better understand your market needs by exploring online forums, keywords, existing courses, and gather direct feedback from your audience. Understanding what people are searching for can help you identify gaps in the market that you can fill with your unique knowledge. This alignment between your passion and market demands can create a significant impact.

By identifying what sets you apart and aligning it with market needs, you can create a powerful teaching strategy that serves others and enriches your creative journey. 

3. Reflect On Past Experiences

If you think back, you’ll likely be able to reflect on your informal teaching moments. You know, those times when sharing your knowledge felt natural and effortless-more like a conversation than a presentation. 

Reflecting back, I’ve had countless moments where I naturally fell into the role of a teacher, guiding peers, friends, and even strangers through aspects of my craft. These reflections have been invaluable in shaping my teaching practice and understanding the needs of my audience.

Take Action: Set a S.M.A.R.T goal to knowing your niche and to teach what you know.

Remember, create the beauty you want to see in the world, and know there's always room for you.

Ready to dive deeper? 

I have a great Mini-Series on The Professional Creative Podcast.

Mini Series: Teach What You Know - Part 1 Overcoming the Naysayers

Mini Series: Teach What You Know - Part 2 Knowing Your Niche 

Mini Series: Teach What You Know - Part 3 Creating a Curriculum

Mini Series: Teach What You Know - Part 4 How to Create Revenue Streams

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Turning Your Niche Into Income

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