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How to Find Your Signature Style: A 5-Step Guide for Creative Success

creative entrepreneur
Bonnie Christine's hands sketching a delicate floral design on paper, surrounded by minimal artistic tools like brushes, scissors, and dried herbs.

Discover how to develop your unique artistic voice and build a brand that’s instantly recognizable with these 5 actionable steps for finding your signature style.

What is your signature style?

Can you imagine your artwork being instantly recognizable, even without your name on it? That’s the magic of a signature style. Whether you’re a surface pattern designer, painter, or creative entrepreneur, discovering your unique artistic voice is essential to building a memorable brand. If you’re wondering how to find your art style, you’ve come to the right place.

Surface Pattern Designer and Creative Entrepreneur Bonnie Christine guides the viewer through a creative process, highlighting fabric swatches, botanical patterns, and nature-inspired designs, encouraging the discovery of a signature style.

Why Developing a Signature Style Matters

Having a distinct artistic voice is more than standing out — it’s about forging an authentic connection with your audience. A recognizable creative art style helps you:

  • Build brand recognition
  • Attract loyal followers
  • Elevate your artistic identity

How to Find Your Art Style in 5 Simple Steps

1. Create Consistently

The foundation of a great signature style is consistent practice. Commit to creating daily or weekly, and focus on volume over perfection. As you create, notice the patterns, colors, and themes that feel most authentic to you. The more you produce, the more you’ll recognize what truly resonates with your artistic identity.

Pro tip: Need a bit of inspiration to keep the creativity flowing? Dive deeper on The Professional Creative Podcast and download our episode freebie: "1 Year of Daily Art Prompts." That’s 365 prompts categorized into 52 weekly themes to jumpstart your creativity. Listen and download here

2. Design What You Want to See in the World

Follow your passion, not the trends. Instead of focusing on trends or what's selling, concentrate on what you want to see come alive in the world. When you create from your heart, your work becomes a direct reflection of your soul. This authenticity is pivotal in the process of how to find your art style and will set your work apart.

3. Chase Inspiration, Don't Wait for It

Don’t wait for inspiration to strike. Seek it out by actively pursuing it. Some of my favorite ways to spark inspiration are through purposing to go out into nature. These experiences can spark ideas and help you infuse meaning into your work. Here are some other ideas.

  • Nature walks
  • Museum visits
  • Quiet reflection

Surface Pattern Designer and Creative Entrepreneur Bonnie Christine’s flat lay featuring a vintage flower guide, fabric swatches, and botanical illustrations. A glimpse into Bonnie's creative process and inspiration.

4. Create Before You Consume What Makes Other Artists Unique

Are you guilty of diving into Instagram or Pinterest right before starting your work? It’s tempting, but it often results in feeling less inspired, even imposter syndrome. Create your own work before consuming others' art. This practice fosters genuine creativity that’s solely yours. This habit is a vital part of how to find your art style without being overly influenced by others.

5. Experiment Boldly

Finally, fall in love with the journey. Appreciate where you are right now, even if you haven’t fully discovered your style yet. Every phase in your creative journey prepares you for the next. Remember, there are no closing windows of opportunity—your moment will come at the perfect time. Learning how to find your art style is a continuous process, so enjoy every step.

Start Here: Creative Affirmations

Developing your signature art style isn’t an overnight journey. It requires consistent effort, intentional creation, and a deep understanding of what inspires you. Here’s a few creative affirmations to encourage your progress as you start to find your style:

  1. I create a lot with joy knowing I am developing my signature style. 
  2. I design from my heart.
  3. I don’t wait for inspiration, I chase it!
  4. I love and embrace every stage of my journey. 






How do I discover my artistic style?

Finding your artistic style involves consistent practice, exploring what inspires you, and experimenting with different mediums to identify what feels authentic to you.

What makes a signature style unique?

A signature art style reflects your personality, values, and creative approach, making your work instantly recognizable.

How can I create consistently without losing motivation?





Want to know more?

If you found these tips helpful, don’t forget to dive deeper on The Professional Creative Podcast and download our episode freebie: "1 Year of Daily Art Prompts." That’s 365 prompts categorized into 52 weekly themes to jumpstart your creativity. Listen and download here

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